Wednesday, May 13, 2015


bibliomania: excessive fondness for acquiring and possessing books

I discovered a few weeks ago that our local library (which is fantastic) allows a maximum of thirty hold requests. And I discovered that because I had thirty hold requests - mostly kids' books, plus a few books for me. Our library has a beautiful invention called the drive-up window, which means I can put books on hold, and when they're ready, I drive up to a window and they hand the books to me. It's wonderful. (As the kids get older, I plan to physically go in the library and look for books, but at this stage, the drive-up window is my favorite thing.)

July 2014

My most recent craze for book-requesting started with a talk from Andrew Pudewa called Nurturing Competent Communicators. (Spoiler alert: Read aloud to them.) Since then, I've listened to several episodes of the Read Aloud Revival podcast and joined a Read Aloud Revival group on Facebook, both of which just feed me more ideas for books to check out.

September 2014

When I get books from the library, we'll read through them once or twice. If I don't like it, it goes back to the library as soon as I can get there - why keep a book around if it's no good? If we do like it, it gets added to our growing kids' book wish list. If I get the chance to stop by the Half Price Books Outlet or the Red Cross book fair, I'll hunt for some there; otherwise, I find good, used copies on AbeBooks for birthdays and Christmas. I've just started putting all our books into LibraryThing so I can keep track of what we already own.

February 2015

Sending the kids to the couch with a book is one of my most useful parenting tools. While I prep a meal or unload groceries, or when the crazy has gotten a little too high, looking at books quietly is very helpful. When I first started doing that, I was afraid they would see reading books as punishment, but thankfully, it's only grown their own love for books. I'll often find a kid or two sitting quietly with a book, and Jubilee loves telling her brothers stories loosely based on whatever book she's looking at.

March 2015

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